Begin with the end in mind.
One of the most important ways to make certain you can get money for your business is to set up your business credibly. Our best selling, Business Finance Suite, takes the headache out of this process.
There is a secret set of requirements all lenders have, which they use to determine your approval. Although lenders don’t want you to know about these secret requirements, they most assuredly exist. Making sure you meet them will be crucial to ensuring your business can get business credit and funding.
First, make sure your business name and EIN number is correct on all your licensing, tax documents, bills, and other pertinent documents. If this information is even a little off, you can get a denial. Keep track of all your business documents. We suggest using a corporate kit like to keep track of all your documentation.
Also make sure you have all proper state, county, city, and federal licensing required for your profession. If you are a contractor for example, but don’t have your contractor’s license, you won’t get an approval. You must be properly licensed to get an approval for money for your business.
Your business will need a website and a professional email address. Without a website listed on your application, you won’t be able to get funding. You also won’t get approval with an email like Instead you must have a professional email address like A professional email address and website go a long way to establishing business credibility.
These details are crucial to getting business funding.
Make certain your business is set up credibly, and learn more about how to get the best chance to get approval for funding with our Business Finance Suite.